Bay Street HR

Team Building

Bay Street HR has a proven track record of facilitating team building processes. We provide coaching to increase awareness and understanding of the various personality types that drive your organization. Rather than fitting everyone to the same mould, we leverage the diversity and help teams understand and embrace differences within their teams, thus improving team dynamics.

Deborah Robinson and Maha Masood are certified to implement team building sessions and provide training using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Learn More about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator by clicking on the MBTI logo below.

Related Project

At the Offsite for a leading Private Equity firm, Bay Street HR facilitated a fun, insightful and effective team-building process using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI). Addressing existing team tensions, the workshop allowed participants to identify their MBTI personality type and examine how they worked within their team. The session enabled team members to understand how their own type and the other types within their team could be leveraged to strengthen their collective team performance. The results of the workshop ultimately enhanced overall team communications and interactions by providing a better understanding of where team members are coming from.